Script: --(d'après Alan Pabst, Heizer Software)¬--on windowEvent wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬¬if objValue is "Open" then¬ wsSet wdID,"Entree","Text",""¬ wsSet wdID,"Path","Text",""¬ wsSet wdID,"Complet","Value","0"¬ wsSet wdID,"Rechercher","Disabled","true"¬ wsSet wdID,"Consulter","Disabled","true"¬ wsSet wdID,"Stocker","Disabled","true"¬ wsSet wdID,"Contient","hilite","true" ¬else if objValue is "Close" then¬ ¬ ¬else if objValue ="Suspend" then¬ ¬else if objValue ="Resume" then¬ ¬else if objValue ="CloseBOx" then¬ ¬else if objValue ="ZoomBox" then¬ ¬else if objValue ="GrowBox" then¬ ¬else if objValue ="TitleBar" then¬ ¬end if¬--end windowEvent
ItemType: PUSH
Rect: 44,85,124,102
TextFont: Geneva
TextSize: 10
Disabled: TRUE
Name: Rechercher
DefaultItem: TRUE
Balloon: Ce bouton devient actif avec l'appui sur la touche Tabulation après la saisie du mot à recherche.
Script: --on mouseUp wdID,wdName,objNo,objName,objValue¬put empty into laRecherche¬put empty into laListe¬put "Mot-cle" into nomCHamp1¬put "Auteur" into nomCHamp2¬if GSubSelec is not empty then effaceCorne¬set lockMessages to true¬wsSet wdId,"path","text",""¬wsSet wdId,"Annuler","Disabled","True"¬get wsGet(wdID,"Entree","Text")¬put it into TitreRech¬get wsGet(wdID,"Contient","Hilite")¬put it into mode¬put the number of cds of this stack into x¬wsSet wdId,"Complet","Max",x¬lock screen¬go first cd of background "FICHES"¬put the short id of this cd into retour¬wsSet wdId,"Complet","Value","1"¬if mode is "true" then¬ put "Find chars" &"e & TitreRech & quote into Rech¬else¬ put "Find whole" && TitreRech into Rech¬end if¬put " in field" && quote & quelChamp & quote after Rech¬do rech¬if the result is not empty then¬ put "Recherche infructueuse" into laListe¬ wsSet wdId,"Consulter","Disabled","True"¬ wsSet wdId,"Stocker","Disabled","True"¬ wsSet wdId,"path","Text",laListe¬else¬ if the short name of this background is "FICHES" then¬ put short id of this cd into laBoucle¬ put short id of this cd && field nomChamp1 && (word 1 to 4 of fld nomChamp2) & return after laListe¬ go next cd¬ put the number of this cd into i¬ wsSet wdID,"Complet","Value",i¬ put empty into currID¬ repeat until currID=laBoucle¬ do Rech¬ put short id of this cd into currID¬ if currId=laBoucle then¬ exit repeat¬ wsSet wdID,"Complet","Value",x¬ end if¬ if short name of this background is "FICHES" then¬ put the short id of this cd && field nomChamp1 && (word 1 to 4 of fld nomChamp2) & return after laListe¬ end if¬ put the number of this cd into i¬ wsSet wdID,"Complet","Value",i¬ go next cd¬ end repeat¬ end if¬ wsSet wdID,"Complet","Value",x¬ wsSet wdID,"Annuler","Disabled","False"¬ wsSet wdId,"Consulter","Disabled","False"¬ wsSet wdId,"Stocker","Disabled","False"¬ put crunch(laListe) into laListe¬ put FullReplace(laListe,"("," ") into laListe¬ put FullReplace(laliste,")"," ") into laListe¬ put the number of lines of laListe && "Fiches correspondent à votre demande" into Nblines¬ wsSet wdId,"path","Text",Nblines¬end if¬go cd id retour¬unlock screen¬set lockMessages to false¬--end mouseUp